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Message to a longing soul

Learn to deal with your own boredom. You are not allowed in the playground anymore. You've grown up! Your legs don't fit inside the toys and the rides are no longer as exciting. Deal with your tedious moments. Struggle not to fall into old habits, not to fall for deceptively easy temptations. Focus on your movement, the deep diving into your soul, into your needs and dreams. Take time into your hands. Use it well! Stare at the skies, the stars, but also the dark intervals between them, the trees, the leaves, dead, alive, their hues, their importance in the scheme of Nature. 

Do not underestimate the importance of what is dead, or dying, but do not let it consume you. Appreciate life, beginning to end! Take pauses, when you need. Do not impose a different pace then your heartbeats'.  Daydream, because you must. Make plans! Hope! Remember who you are! Be there, with you, each step of the way. Find out what you're not. 

Submerge your amphibious self, feed from the peace you find in blue waters. Open your eyes underneath the massiveness of the light aqueous environment. Breathe! Contemplate the silvery waving lines, the little bubbles you let out on your comings and goings. Those little things are what keep you alive. Feel the strength of your body and mind. Understand and respect their limitations, appreciate the beauty in their possibilities.   

Never do what is expected because it's expected. Never hide your happiness fearing evil eyes, evil forces. Believe in the immenseness of good! Understand human shortcomings, yours and others'. Beware of negativity, yours and others'. Respect it! Do not neglect it, but do not hide from it, do not fear it. You know even the Moon has a dark side. Be greater, be generous, make the bad things look smaller in face of all the rest. Use this knowledge of it all towards understanding and tolerance. Surround yourself with music, light and love, but do not ignore the darkness. Do not pretend it's not there! 

Take leaps, take risks! Think, feel, take pictures, write! Dive into yourself! Get to know your dreams! Respect your feelings, your fears, your exhaustion. Take small steps, when you feel it's what you can do. Rejoice with your small achievements. Take large strides when you feel like it and have fun with the wind on your hair. If you stumble somewhere, laugh! Tell a friend the story and laugh together! Laugh again, by yourself! However, if you fall from too high, make sure you do cry! As much as you can, as long as you need. Listen not to the voices that call you weak. Feel what you must feel! 

Live your life! Make your rules! Do not go back to the same rides, to the old toys which no longer bear you! Look at them as what they are! Moments of happiness that stayed in the past. Conquests, achievements and understandings you simply need no more. Things you've outgrown. Let go of old habits, old demands, old unfulfilled dreams! 
Dream new dreams! 
Be free!


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