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Showing posts from March, 2019


Fora folha Verde, vívida, pulsando luz em foto e síntese Fora folha Agora, é hora de ser outra coisa da matéria dos sonhos, fina transparência Fora folha Agora, esboço de artista Delicados detalhes de um dia em que fora Folha, fina, finda lenta, transparece o interno Resta, só, a ilusão do que um dia fora folha Resta a raridade do que teve raiz, que dançou com o vento,  que caiu das alturas Fora folha, transparente sendo, quase, hoje já não é mais . É jóia, bela, É outra, é paz.

On the impossibility of turning inwards and finding anything

As I seat here to write with a group of women from around the Globe, I feel I have to look inside myself. And myself, this week, is exhausted and cluttered. I am not sure I can look inside and find anything. Like a teenager's room, full of clothes and books scattered on the floor. I will probably find rests of food inside a drawer or a used ballet shoe among the t-shirts. Like a teenager, perhaps, I'm not sure I want to organize that room. I'm uncertain of where or how to start .  I've been losing things. These past two months of the year, this year that only had two months so far. I've lost a bracelet, a diamond ring, a necklace, not to mention a number of earrings I cannot locate. I've lost so much more in the turning of the year to 2019. Maybe I should not even care about these little things I've lost now. I, we, the country, lost hope, faith, the outlook for a better future. But maybe that is exactly why it upsets me losing any stupid small thing.

I could walk around naked

I dreamt once I could walk around naked and not be afraid. A feeling of peace covered me like a thin soft blanket. I no longer felt the icy cold stares of judgment and disapproval. I did not hear the common threats against my body anymore: No “I’ll hurt you”, No “I’ll control you”. I could walk naked and not be afraid. Walking around by myself I found a path beginning where the woods began.   Moonlight showed it to me. Moonlight guided me. I walked there amongst the trees. The sound of water always appealed to me and, through the woods, I could hear it calling on me. At the end of the path, the ground was sand and the water, covering and exposing it infinite times. I walked to where I was called, to where I heard my name.   I looked to the left and I saw them coming. I looked to the left and I saw them coming. I looked to the right and there came many more. They were naked like me. They could all walk naked and they could finally be free.
Nada na Natureza é completamente perfeito e é aí que reside sua perfeição.